
Guardians across the Galaxy Chapter 6

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Literature Text

Wildertron Chapter III: Beast Wars

With the Golden Disk under his control, Megatron Destroyer took and lifted it up high. The sun shined brightly on the disc as it glowed even more brighter and lighter as the sun. The Predators bowed down before their lord and master of the clan. He smirked darkly and evilly before he laughed maniacally as he finally had it.

Starscream and his Decepticons smirked in please and relief to see that their newfound ally was pleased with the results.

"At long last... It's mine..." Megatron Destroyer said darkly while looking at the Golden Disk, "With such powerful knowledge and power under Predators' claws, we can finally turn the tide to defeat the Maximals once and for all. And Wildertron will be finally under our control!"

Starscream smirked as he bowed down, "Now that it is within our possession. Shall we proceed with our agreement?"

Megatron Destroyer looked down at Starscream for the moment. He nodded, "Very well. But you better keep your word. Should you dare deceive me, I personally show you what my fury is..."

"Of course... Lord Destroyer," Starscream nodded in understanding, "It will be done."

"Excellent... But once we're done with our dealt with Maximals, we shall discuss the matters or our alliance and allegiance to your master. Our workers and laborers shall assist you in working on your ship."

Megatron Destroyer passed the Golden Disk to Starscream as the latter and his Decepticons turned and headed to their Nemesis in preparing to download the data and information. Megatron Destroyer turned to Inferno and Scorponok.

"Keep your optics on them. Should the guests require the assistance, assist them permanently..." Megatron Destroyer said darkly yet sinisterly.

Scorponok and Inferno nodded their heads, "Yes... My lord..."

Both Scorponok and Inferno followed behind of the Decepticons in giving them the assistance they need for downloading the data to their warship Nemesis's system.


At the Maximals' Village, both Maximals and Autobots were recovering from the shock and surprise of the Golden Disk. They can't believe that they would fell for the simple trick of fighting amongst their own allies.

Raptorclaw growled in anger as he turned and glared at the Autobots, "This is your fault!" The Autobots were in shock and concern of what he had said. He continued, "If you had not come here, our Golden Disk wouldn't have been stolen!"

"Hey! You can't put the blame on us!" Hot Shot exclaimed in anger.

Groove nodded, "That is so not a groove, man! You'll be sorry for messing with us!"

Warpath growled in anger, "Yeah! You mess with the wrong Autobots! You so do not want to mess with our temper!"

"You want to piece with me, buddy! Coz I'm about to give some smashes!" Streetwise exclaimed in anger as he pushed Raptorclaw off, "You want a fight?! Get ready to die, freak!"

Depth Charge pushed Streetwise off, "No, you back off, moron! This is our home, not yours! So get the hell out of it!"

Silverfang snarled, "Knock it off, Depth Charge! This is not the time to fight!"

Rattrap nodded, "Hey! Don't pick a fight! We've got big problem than this!"

Raptorclaw snarled, "Be quiet, rodent! It is their faults for stealing our Golden Disk! And they must pay!"

Cheetoh pushed Raptorclaw off, "You back off, freak!"

"Why are you siding with them?!" Depth Charge exclaimed in anger, "You dare betray us?!"

Tigertron snarled in anger as he came in between, "Stop! We're not betraying you! We're reasoning you of the truth and facts! Stop fighting!"

"You heard that tiger bot! We're not fighting! We just want to help!" Jolt exclaimed in concern.

"Yeah! So, back off!" Mudflap and Skids exclaimed in annoyance.

Both Maximals and Autobots shouted and argued with each other about whose fault of letting the Golden Disk stolen in the first place! Optimus Primal and Elita-One couldn't stand on it much longer as they both knew that they had more important than bickering and fighting amongst themselves.

"That's enough!" Elita-One exclaimed in annoyance. Both the Autobots and Maximals stopped at once as they turned looked at her. She continued, "It doesn't matter of whose fault of this mess. But what is more important that we must work together as one to defeat the Predators and get the Golden Disk back! And most important of all, we must work together!"

Optimus Primal nodded in agreement, "Elita-One's right. We don't have the time to fight amongst ourselves. We must work together to get the Golden Disk back before the Predators used them to their advantage. Do you understand?"

Elita-One nodded, "Do you have something to say?"

Everyone nodded their heads in understanding and agreement. They all sighed as they all apologized to each other.

Ratchet sighed, "Now that we've finally put that brawling aside. We need to where would the Predators hidden the Golden Disk."

Jolt nodded, "It could be anywhere. And not to mention, the Predators could set some traps for us if we were to find it."

"Great... That sure sounds easy now!" Warpath exclaimed in annoyance, "This is definitely drive my gears!"

Rattrap scoffed, "Come on. Even Cheetoh knows the answers, they're still at their headquarter."

Cheetoh nodded, "Rattrap's right. They may have lots of basses but nothing is safe than their own strong and fortified base."

"Yes... That base is the only place we can think of," Tigetron nodded, "Megatron would never trust anyone but himself or his loyalists to keep his Golden Disk safe from harm."

Depth Charge huffed, "So... We should rammed and attacked our enemies to their death for good! We'll bring the Golden Disk by force!"

"Yes... I agreed!" Raptorclaw agreed, "We shall destroy the Predators once and for all!"

Prowl hummed calmly, "This might be our chance to defeat the Decepticons before they could reach their targeted world. I agreed. We must defeat them before they could achieve their goals."

"Yeah!" Protectobots and Twins exclaimed in agreement.

Nightscream smirked, "That should be easy. We've got nothing to worry about."

"What about the Decepticons? I don't think they would give up without the fight," Airazor said in concern.

Silverfang hummed in concern, "Yes... Both Decepticons and Predators worked together as one. Unless we find a way to defeat them, we might not have the chance to defeat their alliance."

"Unless you tricked them to betray from each other," Black Widow commented.

Bulkhead nodded, "Decepticons never make good impression of having some friends. They just loved to use the locals as their pawns. I wonder if Predators did the same thing."

Hearing what Black Widow had said, Elita-One had some thoughts and idea. She recalled of how distracted and angered from both hers and Maximal get while Decepticons get the chance to steal the Golden Disk, without alerting them. She smirked happily. This is her perfect advantage.

"I have the idea..." Elita-One spoke calmly.


At the Predator's Fortress, both Decepticon and Predators were patrolling and guarding the area in making sure that their enemies will not penetrate or infiltrate them. Their commanding officers - Terrorsaur, Waspinator, Quickstrike, Overkill, Demolisher, Skywarp, Blitzwing and Breakdown were leading their army to defend it from their enemies. So far, it was peaceful and quiet as they found no sign of their enemies.

Thundercracker was leading both Vehicon Miners and Predators Laborers in repairing and fixing the Nemesis's damages while loading and supplying the gears and Energon Supply into it.

Protectobots, Jolt, Mudflap, Skids, Rattrap, Cheetoh, Silverfang and Black Widow were behind of the bushes. They all looked at their enemies guarding and patrolling the area. They looked at each other as they nodded their heads in agreement. It's time. They then to the front as they began their plans now.

Hot Shot, Groove, Jolt, Mudflap, Skids, Rattrap and Cheetoh climbed up the fences as they slowly got over them. They sneaked and passed most of village blocks while avoiding the guards and troopers from noticing them. They came across the Predator's Armory Block, along with some of Energon Supply Depot. They all smirked happily. A perfect plan to destroy their enemies.

Prowl, Streetwise, Red Alert, Silverfang and Black Widow approached to the front entrance while looking at the Predators as they began the plans.

Maximals insulted while intimated their enemies' voice, "Predators are so primitive! They're pathetic and very dumb! They can't even tell the difference between sword and guns! Why should we help them?! All brains but no brawn! They're pathetic and useless warriors!"

"Why should we help the Decepticons?! They're coward and useless! They don't even know how to fight with their swords! And the reason why Lord Megatron helped them is because they're fresh meats! Yeah! They're perfect pawns!" Autobots insulted in using their enemies' voice.

"Insulting you is best fun we ever had!" Autobots and Maximals mocked happily.

Both Decepticons and Predators were irritated and annoyed of what they just heard! Their own allies and comrades had insulted them for their amusement!

Quickstrike snarled, "Why I oughta-!"

Blitzwing screamed in anger as he turned and looked at them, "I'm gonna crush you for insulting me, you fossil fools!"

Demolisher clasped his punches hard, "What's your big deal?! You wanna mess with us or something, rustbuckets?!"

Overkill roared in anger, "I will crush you! You will see who gets the last laugh!"

Waspinator buzzed angrily, "Waspinator is not stupid! Waspinator is warrior! Decepticons are stupid! Decepticons are cowards! No warriors!"

"Say that again, so I can hammer you down!" Breakdown exclaimed in anger.

Terrorsaur groaned, "To think that you actually can be trusted..."

"And to think that some bots like you can actually help us!" Skywarp snarled, "You all will pay for your insolence to our glorious forces! Decepticons never beaten down without the fight!"

Both Decepticons and Predators bickering and insulting at each other angrily yet wildly as they wanted to punch at each other hard and painfully.The Autobots and Maximals smiled in relief and pleased to see their plans work well.

The stealth team heard the bickering noise. They smirked as they ready to make some fireworks.


Within the Nemesis, both Soundwave and Knockout were downloading the data and information from the Golden Disk. Starscream smirked in please while alerted and aware of Inferno and Scorponok's presence at the warship. He had the feeling that they were ready to kill him and his army as they don't trust him. He remained calm and steady.

"How long do you require the data? His Majesty required it to return to him!" Inferno demanded in anger.

Scorponok nodded, "Yeah... How long it's gonna take?! Lord Destroyer needed it for his purpose! And you promised that you will help us destroy our enemies!"

Starscream snarled as he turned and glared at them, "And you will! So, be quiet and let Soundwave handle with it! Copying the data will be-!"

"Complete!" Knockout called. Everyone turned to the front as they found the screen shown 'DOWNLOADING COMPLETE'. Knockout took the Golden Disk as he passed it to Scorponok, "There you go! Hopefully, this will be enough data and information we required for us to win the war."

Scorponok snarled, "It will. Now if you don't mind. Megatron Destroyer wish to speak with you for more discussion about our future plans."

Inferno nodded, "His Majesty demands your presence."

"Fine..." Starscream said in annoyance, "You're so annoying! I don't even know why-!"

BOOM! Both the Decepticons and Predators were in shock and concern as they quickly exited the bridge. They were about to find out of what was going out from the outside.


Starscream, Soundwave, Knockout, Inferno and Scorponok had exited the Nemesis as they found some of armory and Energon Supply Depot were burning blazingly. The Predators and Decepticons went in panicked as they were trying to put the fire down before it could destroy them.

"What in the name of-?!" Starscream was in shock and concern.

"STARSCREAM!" The angry and firm voice called. Starscream and his Decepticons turned as they found Thundercracker thrown straight to them. They then saw both Megatron Destroyer and Tarantulues approaching them. He continued, "Explain to me of why would your Decepticons insulted my army?! And how dare you destroy the armory and depot?! Are you saying that you're using me as your pawn?!"

"What?! That's nonsense! I'd never think of that!" Starscream pleaded in concern, "If you were Lord Megatron - ours, he would have crushed me! I would never ordered them to such a thing! I ordered them to work together, not insulting and attacking each other!"

Knockout nodded in agreement, "Of course! What we said about the agreement is true!"

"Liar!" Tarantulus exclaimed in anger, "Everything you did is lie! Do you truly think that you can hidden your agenda?!"

"Listen, you primitive insect!" Thundercracker exclaimed in anger, "What makes you think we do such a thing?! According to Skywarp, your warriors who started the mess!"

"That's a lie!" Tarantulus exclaimed in anger, "I may have been manipulated scientist but I am no fool when Lord Megatron - Predator Lord - is here!"

"Enough!" Megatron Destroyer exclaimed in anger. Everyone stopped. He spoke, "If neither you or us did, then who did?! There must be someone cause the chaos at my backyard!"

Soundwave approached to his allies as he shown his screen of Decepticons and Predators in the map area, along with some of Autobots and Maximals within it. Everyone was in shock and surprise of what they saw.

"Unbelievable!" Megatron Destroyer exclaimed in anger.

BOOM! The entrance was destroyed, along with more of Predators and Decepticons thrown towards their allies. They all looked up as they found both Autobots and Maximals had arrived to the battlefield. The latter armed with their weapons in ready to fight till the end.

Megatron Destroyer groaned in anger, "And it appears that our enemies are here now..."

"Megatron! Surrender now! And return the Golden Disk to us!" Optimus Primal ordered firmly, "And your lives will be spared."

Megatron Destroyer snarled, "Never! I've come too far... I will not lose to the likes of you! The Predators will become the Wildertron's powerful clan!"

"Not on our watch!" Elita-One exclaimed in anger.

Optimus Primal nodded, "It's time to end this war for good! It's time to end the Beast Wars!"

Both Autobot-Maximal and Decepticon-Predator Alliance charged into the battle as they both battled and fought with each other as hard and furious as they can. Both Soundwave and Knockout were about to attack but Starscream held his hand up in stopping them from going.

"Prepare the Nemesis. We are leaving," Starscream ordered firmly. Both Soundwave and Knockout turned to him. He whispered softly, "We have what we need. And should we lose, we must leave at once. If we were to have more army and supplies, Wildertron will be ours than this foolish Megatron."

Soundwave replayed Megatron Destroyer's recorded voice, "Should you dare deceive me, I personally show you what my fury is...

Starscream chuckled a bit, "True, Soundwave. But Megatron's fury is worse than him. I'm more concern with our true master than this pretender."

Knockout smirked as he nodded his head, "I see... We have our concerns to deal with. And this Megatron didn't say that he agreed to help us since he did not provide us some important aid."

"Yes... But for now, we shall help them to win. Be prepare when you're done with prep the ship."

Knockout and Soundwave nodded their heads in understanding as they and some of their troops returned to Nemesis at once while Starscream and his main army charged into the battle in assisting Predators in defeating both Autobots and Maximals.

Both Autobot Troopers and Maximal Warriors fired their blasters and archery arrows at the Predators who did the same thing to their enemies. Both sides then charged into the battle as they swung their blades, punches and kicks at each other.

Optimus Primal activated his jet booster in flying straight to the sky as he fired his blasters at his enemies off one-by-one while punching, kicking and swinging his swords at his enemies off. Cheetoh dodged and avoided the attacks while punching and kicking them off. Rattrap and Rhinox fired their repeating crossbow blaster at their enemies off while they fought back. Rattrap dodged and rolled over from his enemies while placing his detonators on his enemies in blowing them off. Rhinox punched and kicked his enemies off. Tigertron dodged and avoided the attacks as he swung his samurai sword at his enemies one-by-one in swift. Airazor and Silverfang flew up to the sky as they both punched and swung their blades in defeating their enemies while dodging the shooting arrows. Black Widow dodged the attacks while fought back through her martial art skills. Depth Charge cried in anger as he punched his enemies off one-by-one. Nightscream launched his Sonic Wave at his enemies hard. Botanica launched her whips and weeds in defeating all of her enemies. Raptorclaw fiercely swung his drilling sword at his enemies while blocking the attacks with his shield.

Elita-One dodged the attacks while punching and kicking her enemies quick. Protectobots transformed into their vehicle modes as they combined together as one - Defensor. Defensor marched in as he stomped his feet and swung his punches on his enemies one-by-one. Perceptor fired his blaster at his enemies, Ratchet swung his blades in defeating them, Jolt swung his electrical whip in shocking and electrified them and Bulkhead swung his wrecking balls on them. Warpath punched his enemies while firing his main canon at them off. Both Mudflap and Skids screamed and cried wildly as they all charged in while punching their enemies off.

Megatron Destroyer fired his Dino Canon while swung his lance at his enemies off. Inferno, Terrorsaur and Waspinator fired their blasters at their enemies off one-by-one while punching and knocking them off. Scorponok and Quickstrike fire their missile launchers and gatling blasters at them off. Tarantulus fired his multiple legged blasters at his enemies while clawed and scared them off. Overkill punched and killed all of his enemies off.

Starscream fired his missile launchers at his enemies off. Breakdown slammed and hammered his hammer on his enemies hard and quick. Demolisher fired his missile launchers at his enemies while punching and kicking them off. Blitzwing fired his twin blasters off at his enemies while punching and kicking them off. Both Thundercracker and Skywarp fired the blasters at their enemies while swinging their sword and mace at them.

Both heroes and villains had their blades crossed as they both fought against each other hard and quick.

Warpath rammed Blitzwing off as he was about to punch his enemy off. Blitzwing flew up to the sky before firing his blasters at the former hard. He flew straight at his enemies in knocking Warpath hard before firing his blasters thrice on him off. And before Blitzwing could do anything, Rhinox transformed into rhino as he rammed the Decepticon off. He transformed as he punched on Blitzwing as hard as he can but the latter kicked and blasted him off. Warpath slammed his mace on Blitzwing off in knocking on the walls hard.

Defensor stomped his feet and punched on Breakdown and Demolisher who dodged the attacks at once for few times. Both fired their blasters and missiles at him hard. He screamed in pain as he slowly moved back. He then quickly fired his blasters at them off. Both Bulkhead and Jolt charged in and battled with both Breakdown and Demolisher. Both of them swung their punches and kicking at each other hard and quick while dodging the attacks. Demolisher swung his punches at Jolt who dodged the attacks before firing his electrical blasters at him off. Demolisher knocked Jolt off before punching him for few times. Jolt quickly wrapped his whip around Demolisher, then giving him electrocuted shocks. Both Bulkhead and Breakdown swung their punches and kicks at each other while dodging or blocking the attacks.

Overkill had killed both Maximals and Autobots before he was hit by Depth Charge. Depth Charge charged in while continuously punching and knocking Overkill's face for few times. Overkill stopped the attack before giving Depth Charge a headbutt before punching and kicking him off for few times. Depth Charge punched Overkill back as they both fought back hard and quick.

Tarantulus hit Rattrap to the ground as he fired his blasters at Cheetoh who dodged and avoided the blasts before knocked the mad scientist off. Tarantulus clawed Cheetoh's hand before slammed him to the ground very hard. Rattrap jumped on Tarantulus as he fired his blaster on the spidebot before he got tripped by Cheetoh. Rattrap and Cheetoh teamed up as they fired their blasters at Tarantulus who withdrew to the top before firing his at them off.

Terrorsaur flew straight down in firing his blaster at Raptorclaw who used his shield in deflecting the blasts off. The Maximal Warrior jumped up as he slammed the Predator Commander to the ground hard. Both Terrorsaur and Raptorclaw swung their blades at each other hard and quick. Waspinator buzzed angrily as he flew straight at Black Widow who was ready to fight. Waspinator tried to attack and stroke at Black Widow who dodged and avoided the attacks while kicking and punching him off.

Quickstrike battled with Silverfang as they both punched and kicked at each other hard and quick for few times while swinging their swords in attacking and blocking. Inferno insanely fired his gatling blaster and Scorponok fired his missiles at both Tigertron and Airazor who dodged and deflected the blasts at their enemies while battling with him. Inferno and Scorponok fought back with their axe and claws at them off while dodging the attacks.

Ratchet, Perceptor and the Twins were helping and treating both Autobots' and Maximals' wounds but at the same time, both Botanica and Nightscream protected their allies while defeating the enemies from coming and attacking them.

Megatron Destroyer and Optimus Primal punched on each other's face as hard as they can while dodging and blocking the attacks for few times. Megatron fired his Dino Canon at Optimus Primal's face but the latter dodged down before giving a punch on the former hard. Megatron stopped from falling down as he charged and rammed his lance at Optimus Primal. Optimus Primal got pierced for the moment while screaming in pain before firing his blaster at Megatron Destroyer. They both got up at once as they both punched and ducked the attacks from each other for few times. They both had their blasters aiming at each other before got blasted off. They both held their feet to the ground as they charged and landed their punches at each other.

Starscream transformed into his jet mode as he flew off and firing his missiles and blasters at his enemies. Elita-One dodged and avoided the attacks quickly while firing her blasters at him. As Starscream came in close, Elita-One jumped up high and hovered over him as she gave him the hard kick. He slammed to the ground. She slammed her feet on him. He quickly rolled over and away from her before firing his missile at her. She dodged it and charged in at once. He screamed in fear as he dodged and avoided the attacks from her punching and kicking for few times.

The Decepticon-Predators were losing their battles to their enemies quicker and harder than they realized. Both Maximals and Autobots were winning the fight.

Inferno transformed into his flying ant as he flew straight at both Tigertron and Airazor. And before he could do anything, Tigertron transformed into his white tiger as he jumped and pounced the ant hard. Airazor dodged the attack from Scorponok's scorpion poison tail before transformed into her eagle form. Scorponok fired his missles at her but she dodged them. She flew straight down as she grabbed him up before throwing him away to the walls hard.

Waspinator transformed into his wasp as he charged and rammed straight at Black Widow but instead he knocked on the walls after she webbed away from her enemies. Both Terrorsaur and Raptorclaw transformed into their Terrorsaur and Velociraptor as they both rumbled and brawled at each other for few times. Terrorsaur was about to transformed but Raptorclaw jumped and clawed on him for few times.

Depth Charge grabbed Overkill as he gave the latter a kick on his back hard. Quickstrike launched his poisonous blasts at Silverfang who charged in while blocking and deflecting the blasts. The wolf warrior gave multiple slashes on Quickstrike in defeating the Predator. Tarantulus trapped Rattrap in his web as he wanted to feast on the rat. As cheetah, Cheetoh freed and saved Rattrap from the spider. Rattrap pressed the detonator button in exploding Tarantulus hard. Blitzwing fired his gatling blaster at his enemies. Both Warpath and Rhinox avoided the attacks in hiding behind the rocks. Rhinox transformed into his rhino form as he rammed straight to Blitzwing hard before Warpath joined in and gave Blitzwing a hard punch. Blitzwing transformed into his jet and escaped the battlefield at once.

Both Bulkhead and Jolt just got knocked away from both Breakdown and Demolisher who then launched multiple missile launchers at them. The Autobots were defeated. And before the Decepticons could finish them off, they were stopped by Defensor who slammed the punch on the ground very hard before stomped his foot on the ground harder. Both Bulkhead and Jolt continued firing their blasters at their enemies. Both Breakdown and Demolisher transformed and escaped the battlefield.

Starscream was beaten very hard. Elita-One was about to finish him off. Instead of shooting her, he shot the missile straight at Optimus Primal's back. Optimus Primal screamed in pain while giving Megatron Destroyer in firing his Dino Canon at him off. Optimus Primal landed on the ground very hard as he was injured and struggled in getting up. Megatron Destroyer approached to Optimus Primal as he pierced and launched his lance and blasts on the Maximal Leader for few times.

"I will destroy you, Primal! This is the last time you had interfered my plans! You and your Maximals will lose!" Megatron Destroyer exclaimed in anger.

Optimus Primal groaned painfully, "You won't, Megatron... Even I'm destroyed, the Maximals will stop you at all cost!"

"We shall see, old friend..." Megatron Destroyer sneered.

With Elita-One's concern for the Maximal Leader distracted, Starscream quickly transformed into his jet mode and escaped. She turned and charged at Megatron Destroyer. She gave him a punch as she continued punching on him while dodging and avoiding the attacks from Megatron Destroyer for few times. She then gave him the uppercut. She jumped up high in ready to fire her blaster but instead she got blasted off by Megatron's Dino Canon. He approached to her as he fired his Dino Canon on her body for few times. He was about to kill her.

Megatron Destroyer was grabbed and carried up as he was thrown to the ground hard. Optimus Primal armed with his swords as he was ready to fight. Megatron Destroyer armed with his lance. Both sides charged in as they both swung their blades at each other while blocking and deflecting for few times or clashing theirs for few times, though they received the wounds and scars. They then clashed at each other for the moment. They then departed as they both charged in and gave each other a slash!

Both Megatron Destroyer and Optimus Primal remained standing for the moment. Megatron Destroyer landed on the ground while Optimus Primal left with one leg standing. Both Maximals and Autobots came to his aid at once.

Starscream and his Decepticons have managed to reach and boarded on their Nemesis in time. They all immediately lifted off to the space. This had left Megatron Destroyer distrust yet angered and furious.

"STARSCREAM!!!!" Megatron Destroyer exclaimed in anger.

The Autobots and Maximals quickly fired their blasters at the ship. But it got away and escaped into the space. It was too late...

"Blast... They've got away..." Ratchet snarled.

Bulkhead sighed, "Well, at least we've got the Golden Disk back."

"And beat the bad guys!" Mudflap and Skids exclaimed happily.

Prowl nodded, "They're right. Not all hope is lost..."

Elita-One took the Golden Disk as she passed it to Optimus Primal, "Optimus Primal, here is your disk. Keep it safe."

"I will. And thank you, my friends." Optimus Primal thanked calmly, "If it were not for you or your allies, we would have lost Wildertron to Predators instead. So, it should be us thanking you. Thank you, Autobots..."

Maximals commented and remarked happily, "You guys are awesome! Well, you could have been better. Not bad. We are honored. You're the best! Glad to have you on our sides!"

Raptorclaw sighed, "All of you... Well done..."

Optimus Primal sighed happily, "Now that is done. I believe we have something to return to you."


In space, Nemesis was heading off to their next planet while finding their master and comrades. Starscream was in discussing with both Soundwave and Knockout as they were looking at the information they had from the Golden Disk. Everything went well now.

"With these, we'll be ready for the Autobots." Knockout smirked proudly.

Starscream nodded, "Yes... And for now, we must find Lord Megatron and our comrades to regroup and ready to our targeted world! Now, send the data to Shockwave. He will be pleased with his work."

Soundwave nodded as he pressed some buttons in sending the information data to Shockwave from Cybertron. Everything went smoothly...


All of the Predators were locked up within the prison blocks for the rest of their lives as they all cursed and mocked angrily as their own former allies for betraying them. And Megatron Destroyer as he wanted revenge on his enemies and supposed-allies...

The Ark was fully repaired and loaded with more of Energon and Weapon Crates. The Maximals even gave the downloaded version of Golden Disk's information to their allies. The Autobots were ready to move out and find their comrades and allies. They had to say goodbye to their new friends.

"Are you sure you won't stay here for rest?" Optimus Primal asked in concern, "Traveling in space will be long way to go..."

Elita-One sighed as she looked at the Maximals, "I know. But we have too. Our friends need us now. We all appreciated of what you have done for us, Maximals. You were all brave, strong and heroic soldiers we ever met. All of you would make the best Autobots. We are honored to have you on our side."

"So are we... We are honored of fighting besides with you. Thank you, Autobots..."

"Thank you as well, Autobot Maximals. We'll meet again..."

Both Autobots and Maximals said their goodbyes to each other. The Autobots marched and boarded into the Ark at once. The ship blasted off to the sky while the Maximals waved their goodbyes to their allies.

"I'm gonna miss that planet," Bulkhead sighed, "It looks so peaceful..."

Ratchet scoffed, "I wouldn't be surprise if I actually like any planet like that especially some savages and crazy barbarians... I wouldn't take one bits of liking it. And I would never want to be part of it either."

Elita-One giggled a bit while shaking her head, "You'd never know, Ratchet. I like that planet. It's so beautiful and great planet I ever seen. And to be honest, we might see this kind of a planet someday. And who knows? It may change you for the better. I really want to know more about it."


With both the Ark and Nemesis flying straight to the space, a mysterious figure watched the event from deep within the forest. He held a small drive-like. He smirked darkly like he had everything he needed.

"All will pay... All will pay..." The mysterious figure said darkly and evilly.

To Be Continued...

Review and Suggest...
Autobots-Maximals and Decepticon-Predators waged the Beast Wars for the sake of Golden Disk. The fate of Wildertron depends on it...

PRE: Guardians across the Galaxy Chapter 5
© 2015 - 2024 PowerMaster17
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Genesect1999's avatar

To be honest, Predators was given as a traduction for the name of the Predacons in the French Dub of Beast Wars...